of ashes and wednesdays

ash Wednesday sun is setting
and the journey of Lent dawns

we took the palms we held
in the clenched fists of ’18 Lent
and waited until they were transformed by fire into ash
of changing things

palms into ash
our palms from clenched fists into open hands
ready to welcome the season of Lent
’19 small steps, with a few stories –
and a dash of spice along the way
we join togetherĀ 

ash Wednesday sun is setting
and the journey of Lent dawns

to let the sun set on ash Wednesday

thank you for joining me — from now till then
from ashes to palms
from snow to spring
from what has been to what might be

in this time when so many things need transformation
from palms to ashes and back again.

Let the Lent times roll.

“Great lions can find peace in a cage,
but we should only do that as a last resort…
So, those bars I see
that restrain your wings,
I guess you wouldn’t mind if I pry them open.”

Welcome to the journey towards freedomĀ 
from that which restrains our wings

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