Prayer Around the Advent Wreath for the First Week of Advent

Prayer around the Advent Wreath
for the First Week of Advent

We light the candle of silence –
as we extinguish our connection to electric messages
And choose to “Be Here Now” –
to let go of what worries us,

frightens us, angers us, separates us
For these moments around

this evergreen symbol of love
without words, we stand in sacred silence
Gathering with those around the world
who seek your dream, O God of Advent light:
“to love tenderly, to act justly, to walk humbly” *
We light this candle of presence and choose to
“Make of Yourself a Light”*
In this first week of Advent…
may "our example, even more than our words
be an eloquent message to the world”*
Bless Us, O Lord…and these Thy Advent  gifts

Which we are about to receive

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