We who gather at this table invite SILENCE to be seated with us that we might be ONE with all those who discover new frontiers who dare to dream who choose to create a world of justice where each one has value and integrity finds a home in us through us and around us.
We, who gather at this table invite GRATITUDE to be seated with us that we might refuse to give this moment to what is next or what is behind us or to that which never happened
but, instead, we are present...right here and now... that we might dispel despair with a grateful heart... For that which encourages us to stretch and those who saw in us what we could not see.. whose presence we touch in absence from our table For water, soil, solar power, and wind in us through us around us
We, who gather at this table invite FAITH, not fear, to be seated with us that we might -- just for this moment believe in God's dream that peace shall reign that freedom is impossible to suppress that generous hearts build bridges between the lost the forgotten the hungry the hopeless. Here, at this table, we believe. And, just for today, we give thanks
For the call To be Thanks-Givers To be Dream-Makers And Dream Catchers. in us through us and around us