Happy New Year’s Eve
For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
It’s time to sing the “Auld Lang Syne” to the year that has gone by.
For tomorrow when we awake, it will be the NEW YEAR — the Advent (the arrival) of the New Year in our church year —
And we begin in “Auld Lang Syne” — “for (the sake of) old times” — we Advent (and begin)
Welcome to my/our Advent journey
“Be OUR Light”
The light we so need to find our way
The light that we cannot feel, but can trust
The light that needs to be ignited by another
The light that en flames when each one brings a candle
and the single light is multiplied in the community we create
The light that is within us that can become dimmed by disillusionment
we pay attention to lighting the wick of gratitude
and refusing the temptation of despair
The light that needs to be sheltered
The light that needs to burn away the auld lang syne and Advent
And so, let us sing one fiercely flamboyant round of Auld Lang Syne
And wish behind us the old times that are end
And welcome the Advent of our lives
Remembering – Believing – Rejoicing – Holding
Let go of the old so there is room for the new
Enjoy the New Year’s Eve party of the heart!