35: Prescription for Lent
We keep looking for the wisdom of those we have honored before us — “if only we had what they had and could do what they did” —
We have the same scripture that they had and yet we think we need so much more. It’s all very simple — and very hard to do
Prescription for Lent
(note instructions and warnings on label below)
“You shall not act dishonestly in rendering judgment.
Show neither partiality to the weak,
nor deference to the mighty,
but judge justly.
You shall not go about spreading slander;
nor shall you stand by idly when your neighbor’s
life and honor is at stake.
You shall not bear hatred for another in your heart.
Though you may have to reprove another,
do not incur sin because of them.
Take no revenge
cherish no grudge against your fellows.
You shall love your neighbor as yourself”
Leviticus 19
Instructions for use and Warnings
- Use of this Prescription may cause happiness, interior peace and lasting meaning in life
- Discontinue use if you cannot sustain the decrease in depression, anxiety, discontent and gloom
- Should not be used for more than one 24 hour period at a time as it may lead to belief that one day of right action is inconsequential
- Use of this prescription constitutes a guarantee for life improvement, but may be discontinued at any time consistent with free will
- Do not share this medication with anyone who prefers misery over joy and despair over gratitude
- This prescription may be addictive as right action perpetuates itself and may create an avalanche of integrity