Holy Saturday
who starts the contractions — mother or baby?
where does resurrection energy come from — the outside or the inside?
how does the rock of the tomb get moved — is it pushed or pulled?
for rightness..
challenging my impatience to move quickly to the solution
eager to dive into my sister-in-law’s spaghetti sauce while it needs time to steep
the piece of art, or words or creation that isn’t …yet
for what isn’t ready yet…
ideas, lessons in retrospect, sacrificial drafts fermented by wisdom, good jokes that need space before the punch line —
lives lost that become the fertile ground for truth, courage and love
practicing the art of remembering how to walk on ice,
the broken wing must heal before attempting to fly
practicing the deep quiet art of in-between…
letting it be and being willing to not be in control
“just do the best you can, and then wait”…
being willing to be in process
not the passivity of someone else’s job
but poised between trust and terror —
active belief that what seems dormant waiting is actually the greatest act of faith
accountable for my role in “yes”
Where the inside availability and willingness
meets the power far greater than myself
knowing that this is one of those “never going back” moments
whose time is coming
Only not yet.
Meet you
where the bright light blinds your reasons not to believe
where it’s all possible, just not visible…