Holy Thursday
Today, we celebrate new ways of being
A passover ritual grounded in ancient wisdom and tradition reimagined.
Accountability poured out in the One who knelt before the other
and washed feet – no proposals, proclamations, dissertations or documents
a new way of leading into the heart, opening new doors.
Power reinterpreted and leadership redefined in actions far less than words
Old Ways Won’t Open New Doors
These are the days of letting go – of having journeyed through the tunnel of Lent and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but before the light there is a chrysalis to climb out of – the safety of old ways of thinking – old patterns of acting – old sets of expectations…all familiar and comfortable, but holding us back from walking through the new doors.
We can’t capture the traditions of the Holy Week of the past. Like Mary Magdalene, Peter, Lazarus, Martha, Miriam, John, Judas, Andrew and Peter…we can’t ever get the old Passover back. We can’t crawl back into the cocoon that has done its work for us and in us – has shaped us and formed us, and now doesn’t fit.
There is something itching to be released in each of us – around us – something that holds us bound – that keeps us from breaking open – from the inside out.
These are the days for taking off your shoes and letting the water wash away the dust of what no longer works – and doing the same for another…freeing another from their own dust and the dirt we create for them with our bias, our recitation of what is over and can only be changed with a new chance. Like the ease we feel when taking off a too-tight shoe “Ahhh” – a new possibility after the release.
These are days of miracle and wonder – of awe and amazement – of the hard work of letting go of the chrysalis and being willing to emerge.
I’ll meet you at the table – where we create new ways and discover new doors.
Happy to Meet your Feet,