Good Friday
No Return
No Turning Back
No U-Turn
Defining Moments
This Far and No Farther
Integrity Demands It
Whatever the Consequences, I Take the Next Step
Silence is No Longer an Option
Knowing the Boiling Water will change our nature….
We take the plunge
As we say in my circle of truth, “once you are a pickle, you can’t go back to being a cucumber”
This is a day of the defining moments – the “no going back” moments
What are the ones that have shaped who we are right now?
When did we take the plunge? The Risk? The Road Less Traveled? Where did Love Take us?
This is a day of taking the deep dive – make this list …
As the movie, “The Mission” asked us, “for what would you climb the waterfall?”
For what would you be willing to risk your reputation? For what am I willing to be misunderstood? For whom are you willing to place yourself at risk?
There are moments that change us for a lifetime – when we look back and know who we are with greater clarity. There are times that we know we “grew up” or discovered a strength we didn’t know we had. Maybe only in retrospect do we understand that the small choices led to the big ones. There wasn’t time to retreat – but every other moment – every meditation, commitment, contemplation, decision, choice – prepared you for this one…
Today, we shed the resistance
Today, we take the plunge