Thanksgiving Day Table Prayer 2018

Thanksgiving Day Table Prayer
We give thanks to You, God of life…
For the gifts that you have given to us in one another
and we pray this day for those who are absent from our table
We ask your blessing on the food before us

and those whose labor has prepared it
and we pray for those who hunger for food and labor
We ask you to bless us with strength in body,mind and spirit
and we pray for those in need of health,happiness and faith
We give thanks for our nation born of

faith,courage and love’s labor
and we pray for those parts of our nation and world torn

by violence and war
We give thanks for all those you have given to us

in family and friends
and we remember those who have been called from this life
(name those we have lost)
We give thanks for this time to make memories,
letting go of that which divides us,
 forgiving and being forgiven,
that we might begin anew to live fully alive in joy.
Bless this food before us,
the people that join us
and all of those who join us in this world wide family of hope.
With gratitude, we pray.   AMEN

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