Rise and Shine


wake up

It’s official…your shell encasing your real self has cracked open….

The gig is up……The real you has emerged……No false self…..No playing “let’s pretend”………No “let me show you into the living room” — only staying at the kitchen table

It’s in Real Time

Live Streaming


Rise and Shine.3

Super Bowl commercials went for 4.5 million for 30 seconds

You are God’s Super Bowl commercial — You might be the only Gospel some people ever read

God went to a lot of trouble to design you…..because the message you have was designed for this moment

You are the only definition of Lent that others have

You have a great deal riding on your shoulders……the next 46 days could be the differential     (40 + 6 Sundays which are free from fasting)

This is the day we have been waiting for……the ashes are made from the palms of last year burned and ground into ash

like the ashes that are made when we let go of whatever stops us from being God’s real design

Imagine throwing those things into a campfire and letting them burn away until the embers of new light are all that is left

Better than the message of Jeep, Mountain Dew, Apartment.com or Doritos

You are the message of God’s Super Bowl commercial for the world

Today is the day that you are what is left

after throwing into the fire what doesn’t work









keeping score



It’s in the fire burning into ashes

and the symbol of ashes is not the symbol of destruction

but the symbol of life

The day to live without what keeps God’s design  from being the message of the messenger…

Today is the day



ash wednesday

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